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imho in the european day during the cash session ... from 9:00 am to 17.30....
and often, after the us market open from 15.30, it can follow wallstreet...
eh eh the answer is not changing too much. During the European morning , as I said, you have a lot of movement ...it is just quiet sometimes between 12:00 and 14:00 but it is traded all day since the 17:30 ... after that hours the volume goes down
and of course during 15:30 - 17:30 it can be influenced by wallstreet....
thanks.. I was wondering because the last few times I looked at the charts the DAX didn't seem to be moving much in euro morning but was moving well in US morning
Do yourself a favour and do the following. It takes discipline but it'll save you a lot of grief.
Only trade the Dax from 8am (when it opens in my timezone) to about 10.30am. Sometimes earlier. It is the most liquid time when it will move the most. Not to say it won't move after this time, but in general that's when you want to be trading it. make your own observations, maybe it can stretch to 11am but you'll find that after that it tends to enter a dead zone where you will be entering trades based on what you think will be momentum but actually it's no longer there as people aren't trading.
Only trade US markets i.e. the SandP or Dow, from 2.30 pm which is when they open in my timezone. Same thing-trade the first two hours and that's it. If you trade news then obviously trade the announcements before the US open. You can keep an eye on the Dax but the US markets rule the roost in the afternoon. If you see a massive short developing on the Dax in the afternoon, but US markets are heading higher, then it just isn't the same trade so is best to just focus on them. Well, that's my opinion anyway.