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I have created a strategy using OnConnectionStatus() to monitor connection status and to email when lost connection , and attached it to 1minute as strategy
unfortunately it does not seems to be working, no email when lost connection. Anyone can look at the code below?
// This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
/// <summary>
/// Enter the description of your strategy here
/// </summary>
[Description("Enter the description of your strategy here")]
public class CONNECTION : Strategy
#region Variables
// Wizard generated variables
private int myInput0 = 1; // Default setting for MyInput0
private ConnectionStatus dataFeed = ConnectionStatus.ConnectionLost;
// User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to configure the strategy and is called once before any strategy method is called.
/// </summary>
protected override void Initialize()
CalculateOnBarClose = true;
/// <summary>
/// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
/// </summary>
if ((BarsInProgress == 1 && mailSent == false) && SystemInformation.PowerStatus.PowerLineStatus != System.Windows.Forms.PowerLineStatus.Online)
SendMail("post@*****.com" , " !! Battery Alert !! " , " This is an auto generated email. Computer is running on battery power. Possible AC-power loss ");
mailSent = true;