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Need some guidance with the ATR Trailing LX(SX) signal of MC

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  #1 (permalink)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Experience: Advanced
Platform: MC
Broker: IB
Trading: HSI
Posts: 17 since Aug 2018
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HI all,
I get very confused with the signal when the marketing position is not 1 or -1..i.e. with flat position, don't understand why the line after else goes like
Sell ( "AtrLX-eb" ) next bar at High - var0 stop
, the position is flat, what is it for SELL? Likewise in the ATR Trialing SX coding what is it for BuytoCover?

I am trying to use this signal to exit in my HSI trading algo, and it always cause the buy and sell to happen within the same bar.

Hope someone experienced with this signal can give me some guidance.


[IntrabarOrderGeneration = false]
inputs: ATRLength( 10 ), NumATRs( 3 ) ;
variables: var0( 0 ), var1( 0 ), var2( 0 ) ;

var0 = AvgTrueRange( ATRLength ) * NumATRs ;
var1 = MarketPosition ;

if var1 = 1 then
condition1 = var1[1] <> 1 or High > var2 ;
if condition1 then
var2 = High ;
Sell ( "AtrLX" ) next bar at var2 - var0 stop ;
Sell ( "AtrLX-eb" ) next bar at High - var0 stop ;

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  #2 (permalink)
 ABCTG   is a Vendor
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in Multicharts PowerLanguage "Sell" refers to exiting a long position and "BuyToCover" is the cover of a short position.

The code you posted checks for the MarketPosition being 1 i.e. the code is in a long position and will then issue these exit orders.



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  #3 (permalink)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Experience: Advanced
Platform: MC
Broker: IB
Trading: HSI
Posts: 17 since Aug 2018
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I am aware of what Sell and BuytoCover do. Just that if I look at the first "If" statement, if Position != 1, then it still triggers a sell...that's the bit I don't understand.

And if you look at ATR Trailing SX signal, if Position != -1 (hence either in flat or positive position) then it will still trigger a buytocover :

var0 = AvgTrueRange( ATRLength ) * NumATRs ;
var1 = MarketPosition ;

if var1 = -1 then 
	condition1 = var1[1] <> -1 or Low < var2 ;
	if condition1 then 
		var2 = Low ;
	Buy To Cover ( "AtrSX" ) next bar at var2 + var0 stop ;
	Buy To Cover ( "AtrSX-eb" ) next bar at Low + var0 stop ;
Anyone who can give me some guidance will be highly apprecaited.

ABCTG View Post

in Multicharts PowerLanguage "Sell" refers to exiting a long position and "BuyToCover" is the cover of a short position.

The code you posted checks for the MarketPosition being 1 i.e. the code is in a long position and will then issue these exit orders.



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  #4 (permalink)
 ABCTG   is a Vendor
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I am not sure I follow you correctly. The code example you posted below has the first if statement starting with: "if var1 = -1 then" i.e. it is only executed when you are in a short position and it triggers "Buy To Cover" orders i.e. the closing orders for the short position.
The second Buy To Cover simply serves as an entry bar protection as without intrabar order generation the change in the market position would only be detected until the end of the bar. This way you are not left without a stop during your entry bar and the platform won't issue the order when you are flat or long.



my2108 View Post

I am aware of what Sell and BuytoCover do. Just that if I look at the first "If" statement, if Position != 1, then it still triggers a sell...that's the bit I don't understand.

And if you look at ATR Trailing SX signal, if Position != -1 (hence either in flat or positive position) then it will still trigger a buytocover :

var0 = AvgTrueRange( ATRLength ) * NumATRs ;
var1 = MarketPosition ;

if var1 = -1 then 
	condition1 = var1[1] <> -1 or Low < var2 ;
	if condition1 then 
		var2 = Low ;
	Buy To Cover ( "AtrSX" ) next bar at var2 + var0 stop ;
	Buy To Cover ( "AtrSX-eb" ) next bar at Low + var0 stop ;
Anyone who can give me some guidance will be highly apprecaited.

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  #5 (permalink)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Experience: Advanced
Platform: MC
Broker: IB
Trading: HSI
Posts: 17 since Aug 2018
Thanks Given: 3
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HI ABCTG - thanks for your comment...the intrabar order generation insight is something new to me...
But thats very useful indeed.

Thank you again.

ABCTG View Post

I am not sure I follow you correctly. The code example you posted below has the first if statement starting with: "if var1 = -1 then" i.e. it is only executed when you are in a short position and it triggers "Buy To Cover" orders i.e. the closing orders for the short position.
The second Buy To Cover simply serves as an entry bar protection as without intrabar order generation the change in the market position would only be detected until the end of the bar. This way you are not left without a stop during your entry bar and the platform won't issue the order when you are flat or long.



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Last Updated on November 17, 2018

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