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Need help writing/adding Slope() code to existing indicator.

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  #1 (permalink)
Clemson sc/USA
Posts: 1 since Oct 2018
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I'm new to coding and want to learn enough C# to create or modify the indicators that I use. I have an ema slope indicator that i want to add specific parameters to but don't know how to go about writing the code. For example, If parameter setting 10 is met then I want the ema to plot green and stay green. if -10, then plot red. If in between 10 and -10 plot blue. Here is a copy of the existing code.

//This namespace holds Indicators in this folder and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators
public class EMASlopeColor : Indicator
protected override void OnStateChange()
if (State == State.SetDefaults)
Description = @"Exponential Moving Average. The Exponential Moving Average is an indicator that shows the average value of a security's price over a period of time. When calculating a moving average. The EMA_Slope_Color applies more weight to recent prices than the SMA. Colors based on IsRising or IsFalling";
Name = "EMASlopeColor";
Calculate = Calculate.OnBarClose;
IsOverlay = true;
DisplayInDataBox = true;
DrawOnPricePanel = true;
DrawHorizontalGridLines = true;
DrawVerticalGridLines = true;
PaintPriceMarkers = true;
ScaleJustification = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right;
//Disable this property if your indicator requires custom values that cumulate with each new market data event.
//See Help Guide for additional information.
IsSuspendedWhileInactive = true;
Period = 14;
UpColor = Brushes.LimeGreen;
DnColor = Brushes.Red;
ColorSlope = true;
AddPlot(Brushes.Orange, "EMA_Slope_Color");


protected override void OnBarUpdate()
Value[0] = (CurrentBar == 0 ? Input[0] : Input[0] * (2.0 / (1 + Period)) + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Period))) * Value[1]);

PlotBrushes[0][0] = UpColor;
PlotBrushes[0][0] = DnColor;

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  #3 (permalink)
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Because the charts are dynamic, slopes are relative to the chart and are not static as in real life.

There are many threads about this on I suggest you search for them in the search box to the upper right of the screen.

Here is one to get you started but I think you will find slope is not very valuable in the long run.

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Last Updated on October 30, 2018

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