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Should I continue with coding bootcamp?

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  #1 (permalink)
Posts: 17 since Feb 2018
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Currently a derivatives trader at an oil company, might soon (3-4 months) be getting a trading seat trading one of the physical products. Before I found out about the new physical trading opportunity, I signed up for a 6 month Coding Bootcamp at a local university, which is a very reputable institution nationally. I'm thinking about ditching the bootcamp because I'm not sure how it can help me with physical trading. Should I continue it, maybe I don't see it yet but it might come handy a few years down the line .... any thoughts or opinions?

Just looking to get some perspective from professional traders. Thanks.

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worldbfree View Post
Currently a derivatives trader at an oil company, might soon (3-4 months) be getting a trading seat trading one of the physical products. Before I found out about the new physical trading opportunity, I signed up for a 6 month Coding Bootcamp at a local university, which is a very reputable institution nationally. I'm thinking about ditching the bootcamp because I'm not sure how it can help me with physical trading. Should I continue it, maybe I don't see it yet but it might come handy a few years down the line .... any thoughts or opinions?

Just looking to get some perspective from professional traders. Thanks.

Trading is usually a pretty speculative career, so any skills you can learn that provide value in trading and outside of trading are worth learning. Programming happens to be one of those skills.

That said, in trading some paradigms and languages are more widely used than others, so a web development bootcamp might not be as applicable to trading as learning more general purpose programming skills.

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  #4 (permalink)
Posts: 17 since Feb 2018
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addchild View Post
Trading is usually a pretty speculative career, so any skills you can learn that provide value in trading and outside of trading are worth learning. Programming happens to be one of those skills.

That said, in trading some paradigms and languages are more widely used than others, so a web development bootcamp might not be as applicable to trading as learning more general purpose programming skills.

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Thanks for the response. This bootcamp is more about how to leverage big data sets. I think Python will be the main language we are taught. They cater the program to fit the needs of the area.

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  #5 (permalink)
Somewhere in, Texas
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worldbfree View Post
Thanks for the response. This bootcamp is more about how to leverage big data sets. I think Python will be the main language we are taught. They cater the program to fit the needs of the area.

The former NBA player?

FWIW, I think Python is a good overall language for trading. Python is a fast growing language. I took the Coursera course in Python from U of Mich.

Interactive Brokers has a Python plug-in.

Goldman Sachs laid off something like 598 out of 600 equities traders and hired 200 programmers.

AI even wins against lawyers. The best lawyer tied AI in a head-to-head competition, but AI won overall.

I think you are on a good path.

Best of luck.

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  #6 (permalink)
Somewhere in, Texas
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worldbfree View Post
Currently a derivatives trader at an oil company, might soon (3-4 months) be getting a trading seat trading one of the physical products. Before I found out about the new physical trading opportunity, I signed up for a 6 month Coding Bootcamp at a local university, which is a very reputable institution nationally. I'm thinking about ditching the bootcamp because I'm not sure how it can help me with physical trading. Should I continue it, maybe I don't see it yet but it might come handy a few years down the line .... any thoughts or opinions?

Just looking to get some perspective from professional traders. Thanks.

There are Python for trading courses that might be better for your trading than just a generic class. But once you understand the programming concepts, they can be transferred to other platforms or languages.

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  #7 (permalink)
North Carolina
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The key to this question is based on the counter factual. What is the counter factual? You mention different possibilities but not a clear counter factual. In order to make a rationed decision, you must know the counter factual. It hinges on an exclusive or propositional logic. Is it "exclusive" or is "mutual"? If you are decided to trade and it means you cannot complete the course then there is no decision. It is an imposition of situation.

Personally, if you already started it and you can then I would try to stick with it.

worldbfree View Post
Currently a derivatives trader at an oil company, might soon (3-4 months) be getting a trading seat trading one of the physical products. Before I found out about the new physical trading opportunity, I signed up for a 6 month Coding Bootcamp at a local university, which is a very reputable institution nationally. I'm thinking about ditching the bootcamp because I'm not sure how it can help me with physical trading. Should I continue it, maybe I don't see it yet but it might come handy a few years down the line .... any thoughts or opinions?

Just looking to get some perspective from professional traders. Thanks.

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  #8 (permalink)
Dhaka Bangladesh
Posts: 50 since Sep 2018
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I never saw a single line of code as far as trading is concerned although I have comp sci background. Having said that I would not recommend it because you are a trader not 'programmer' and programming CL will be very difficult because it is one of the difficult instrument to trade. I like being more of an intuitive trader (I am still working on it :-) and therefore like to get a feel for a market than focus on coding etc. Right now CL in play because of talk about production cut etc and definitely they will try to undercut the glut as US like to over supply to keep the price down. Good luck.

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  #9 (permalink)
Posts: 17 since Feb 2018
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4trading View Post
The former NBA player?

FWIW, I think Python is a good overall language for trading. Python is a fast growing language. I took the Coursera course in Python from U of Mich.

Interactive Brokers has a Python plug-in.

Goldman Sachs laid off something like 598 out of 600 equities traders and hired 200 programmers.

AI even wins against lawyers. The best lawyer tied AI in a head-to-head competition, but AI won overall.

I think you are on a good path.

Best of luck.

The coolest nickname for an NBA player so I had to snag it!

Thanks for the insight. I think I will continue with the programming class.

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Last Updated on November 12, 2018

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