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Standard Deviation Channel indicator" or "Linear Regression indicator"

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  #1 (permalink)
Posts: 2 since Sep 2016
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Hello Traders!

Maybe someone can help me out? I am searching "Standard Deviation Channel indicator" or "Linear Regression indicator" but have not found "right" one.

The indicator what I search is In TOS and it is called "StandardDevChannel"

I have searched those indicators and found some but the calculation it's not like in TOS. In TOS you can use it one day basis(charting:Today only), it basically draws a channel even it has one bar for calculations and when the time goes on the new calculation goes in. But indicators what I have found calculates based on historical bases. They can't calculate from market open and one day bases. I would like to see one big channel based on 9:30am to 4:00pm market range.

Hopefully you understand my explanation, English is not my native language.

Unfortunately I can not open account in TOS because I am not US resident. That's why I use tradestation.

Please help if you can.

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  #2 (permalink)
Posts: 2 since Sep 2016
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TOS standardDevChannel code:

input price = close;
input deviations = 2.0;
input fullRange = Yes;
input length = 21;

def regression;
def stdDeviation;
if (fullRange) {
regression = InertiaAll(price);
stdDeviation = stdevAll(price);
} else {
regression = InertiaAll(price, length);
stdDeviation = stdevAll(price, length);

plot UpperLine = regression + deviations * stdDeviation;
plot MiddleLine = regression;
plot LowerLine = regression - deviations * stdDeviation;


Can someone modify it to Tradestation? But I don't see the "code" what make's it calculate from first bar? Length seems to be 21 in default, but if you put timeframe "today only" then it starts calculating from first bar.

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Last Updated on November 13, 2018

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