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I use different Charts from different Platforms and Websites, of which they show the Grains in different Formats
Given this,
can someone please help me in converting the following number format ( 100.00 ) to it's correct 000 0/0 format
XC mini Corn ( 400 1/8 format ) that shows 400.50
XK mini Soybean ( 1050 6/8 format ) that shows 1055.50
XW mini Wheat ( 606 2/8 format ) that shows 606.75
ZO Oats ( 266 6/8 format ) that shows 296.50
Thank you as always for the help and input
I really appreciate it
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
But I am afraid this is not the anwer you are looking for - I am sure you would have found that by yourself. Thus, would you please specify your question.