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This is something I should have done months ago. The purpose of this thread is just to track the changes that I make to the site over time. Some may find it interesting, but its mainly for me.
So, unfortunately most the heavy lifting has been done …
My next post will contain a few projects that are actively in the works right now. Some of you know, but others do not, that my full-time job is working on this community as well as my own personal trading.
I do my best to continue to improve the community. Some projects are long overdue, others are brand new ideas that can be executed quickly and get pushed to the front of the line.
Any suggestions or input/comments/feedback you leave in this thread will be thoroughly considered and will be acted upon if possible and if we agree it will serve the community as a whole.
- Complete revamp of webinars section, significant improvements
- Complete revamp of Vendor Reviews, significant improvements
- Community market sentiment tracker, tracking real trades by members
- Site Sponsor portal so sponsors can administer their own banner/offer changes, saving me a great deal of time
Many other projects are known but not currently actively being developed.
Feel free to list anything you want about what you want to see with the new webinars section, or what you want to see with the new Reviews section.
The new Market Sentiment Tracker is exciting, but I've not revealed any details yet. Feel free to leave suggestions using your imagination.
Let me also just officially say that a prior project of converting our backend framework from vB to IPB is now dead. We decided instead to just fully commit to vB, and make our own core changes to improve the product (such as being the only vB3 site in the world that has copy/paste or drag-n-drop images and screenshots in posts).
This is currently in the works. You might have seen the option in UserCP. I need to finish it, but ran into major technical issues that I need to overcome. I will!
Automatically select your journal thread based on the newest thread you create in journal section(s). Many members leave the profile field blank because they don't know it's there. Determining it automatically will help others find the journals easier of other members.