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I found Bookmap not providing downloadable replay files for practice not satisfying, unlike Ninjatrader which can provide replay data as far back as 2015.
Anyways, is there a solution for this? Do I have to PM someone (who is willing to help) to upload their own daily recorded data and provide it to me on a regular basis? Or there is another way for this?
I want to backtest some strategies and therefore, I do not have data, for example, from last month.
I don't want to run and record my data everyday - I am looking for data which is ALREADY recorded earlier elsewhere to replay myself whenever needed.
For example: I did not own Bookmap on August 4th, 2019. Now if I want to run a replay for that day, where am I gonna get the data from?
In Ninja Trader, you can download data like this for any date, for several years back for almost all popular instruments.
In Bookmap, there is no option like this - because Bookmap says they don't store recorded data on their servers.
I did get approached by well known Bookmap educators, however, informing me that when I join them, members get replay data since a few years back from their stored database.