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I start this thread to post various, in my opinion, interesting knowledge from all directions. All are welcome to join here.The idea behind it is less to start huge discussions on each topic and about what is shown, but more that you can take note of it, have some fun or just take it for time passing when markets not have reached your targets.
I will start with the following: It seems that only 5% of all people are able to solve this riddle. Look carefully and consider where you can move a match to get this result.
As told: You can only move one match to get this result.
It took me some time in front of it until I saw it. If you also see it, kindly do not post the solution, so others still can enjoy the riddle. Thanks.
Whoever can solve this puzzle supposedly has an IQ like Albert Einstein. Can you pass this test because it is a tough one? As a little hidden help: Not everything that goes up must do so.
Kindly do not post the solution in kind you also could solve the problem, even I surely not have the IQ of Albert Einstein. Thanks.
Exactly 135 years ago today, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City.
Originally, the statue was to be handed over in 1876 for the centennial celebration of American independence. But the schedule is unrealistic. Nevertheless, the hand with the torch is completed on this date and it is shown at the World's Fair in Philadelphia. The specially formed French-American Union collects funds for its completion. Ten years later, the time has come: on October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty is inaugurated. It is one of the first things that the immigrants, who come to New York by ship in their thousands, see of the city. "Let your tired and your poor come to me," reads the bronze plaque at the base of the monument. Poet Emma Lazarus wrote the lines back in 1883. But they are not affixed until 1903, at a time when the many immigrants have long since ceased to be unreservedly welcome.
You think you have a very strong stomach, then be informed about this guy:
The French entertainer "Michel Lotito" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Lotito) ate a "Cessna 150" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessna_150) aircraft piece by piece over a period of two years. During his performances he consumed about a kilo of the material, and it is estimated that between 1959 and 1997 he consumed almost nine tons of metal. The Guinness Book of Records awarded him with a brass plaque to commemorate his ability. Only: the man had such a big appetite that he ate that plaque, too.
I am wondering what kind of wine is enjoying with his meals?
In our everyday lives, not much may happen in a minute. But, as Visual Capitalist's Aran Ali details below, when gauging the depth of internet activity occurring all at once, it can be extraordinary. Today, around five billion internet users exist across the globe.
This annual infographic from Domo captures just how much activity is going on in any given minute, and the amount of data being generated by users. To put it mildly, there’s a lot.
From Amazon To Zoom: What Happens In An Internet Minute In 2021