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Hey Everyone. It has been a long long time. A few different friends have been reaching out on this and other platforms. I will try my best to engage in a meaningful way. I do enjoy participating, most of the time. I am though, busier than a cat burying …
Some people have been reaching out. I do not have a great deal of time to divide, but putting the journal link here seems to consolidate engagement and encourage participation.
Okay. Someone was talking about trend identification and feeling as though they were constantly being challenged "with" the trend. I asked and have yet to see what time frame they look at and what their trade expectations are. So there are two …
I know that this is a "contest" for very specific and beautiful prizes. Let me state that I am NOT competing for prizes. I'm here out of a pay it back or pay it forward obligation because 1) many people from time to time reach out or they type in a way that indicates they should do so. 2) I have had numerous mentors, some industry legends, that took an interest in me or simply provided the shelter of a kind word amidst the chaos.
That said, if there is enough interest in what I post to keep me interested and active all month, and I happen to "win" this great prize, I'd seek, with the benefactors permission, to auction or raffle that prize for the benefit of charity. Following Mike's lead, and thinking that his family charity certainly worthy, I'd pick that one...sort of a nexusfi benefit for a nexusfi charity. BUT if that is not viewed as "arms length", I'd choose Tunnel to Towers, Wounded Warriors, or any bona fide organization that "saves dogs".
At any rate...which is such a perfect cliche for these crazy times. I will tend to "post" whatever is on my mind...meaning I do not have a "theme" or a specific desire about what to communicate. My hope is that a discussion develops...one that can meander through whatever waters the collective indicates would be important or interesting.
If I have this right...if I'm linked in the right place, after the fray today I might start with a "catch up" post outlining the major routes of participation consistent with the current hallucination. I will respond daily to any questions or inquiries that come in. Sometimes I am terse, do not take that personally. I am always stream of consciousness, feel free to jar me off of or on to any path that might be beneficial or interesting. Above all, if I do not "know" a topic with enough confidence to deploy capital, I will say so and hope to learn something I can use. That is an elegant way of saying no bullshit taken and no bullshit given.
Here is to a peaceful, prosperous productive and healthful goal attaining day.
Hey Everyone. It has been a long long time. A few different friends have been reaching out on this and other platforms. I will try my best to engage in a meaningful way. I do enjoy participating, most of the time. I am though, busier than a cat burying …