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-I run a strategy constantly in sim mode.
-The indicator plots the equity curve for the strategy on the chart (or anywhere else where it could be made visible.)
-It lets me apply two preferred EMA's to the equity curve.
-I can then run a similar strategy live or on another sim account and access the pair of EMA's for use as a filter for whether to take trades or not. I.e. when the fast EMA is above the slow, trades can be entered. Otherwise they can't.
I'd prefer it on NT, but would consider other platforms. And I'd welcome bids for creating such an indicator.
Thanks for your attention!
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set "connector" color (color plotted from the prior bar to the current bar) for
cases where open equity crosses zero or goes from zero to a non-zero value; the
connector color will be determined by the current bar open equity value
if OpenEquity[1] <= 0 and OpenEquity > 0 then
SetPlotColor[1]( 1, PositiveOpenEquityColor )
else if OpenEquity[1] >= 0 and OpenEquity < 0 then
SetPlotColor[1]( 1, NegativeOpenEquityColor );
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