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Continuing our long tradition of encouraging members to have Trade Journals, we are announcing our newest Journal Challenge, sponsored by @LegendsTrading!
Prizes -- the top five trading journals will receive prizes:
1st place prize:
$150k Legends Funded Trader Account
2nd place prize:
$100k Legends Funded Trader Account
3rd place prize:
$50k Legends Funded Trader Account
4th place prize:
$150 Amazon Gift Card
5th place prize:
$50 Amazon Gift Card
How-to participate:
Create a Trading Journal on NexusFi
Copy the Trading Journal URL link
Share the journal URL link in this thread
How winners are chosen:
Read the Trading Journals shared in the event thread
When you like a post, use the Thanks button
Votes from all members are calculated by looking at the total number of "Thanks Received" cast during the event period for each journal
Only posts made within the eligible challenge period are eligible. The order of posts in this thread will be used to break any ties.
The contest begins June 1 and ends June 30 2024. All decisions made by NexusFi are final.
This thread that you are reading right now will act as the repository for all journals that are entered into the contest.
To keep it fair for everyone, you are only eligible to win a prize in this event if you have not won the Journal Challenge prize previously and during the last six events.
Hi all,
I’m joining this month’s challenge. After a 2 year project I’m happy to be back to trading, and to restart my journal.
This journal has been based on statistics only, and the system gives historical trading results based on OHLC for IB (9:00-9:30 bar), prior day and the day before.
I believe often there is an edge. Although I think the system needs more (like context or bias) to be successful, it brought me some profits in the past.
Come and check it out, and please hit the ‘thanks’ button in the journal.
But first, another caveat. On Thursday, I failed to clear a resting limit order on the MES. Friday morning, it filled, but I dont trade Fridays because I am on the radio co-hosting a talk show.
I have been a member of this site since it was called Big Mike Trading. I have been involved in trading various instruments and equities with futures being my preferred realm of trading. I have bene journaling off and on for many years. I had to take a hiatus for a while due to work, but now, I am back and am working toward becoming a fulltime trader.
Yesterdays Trading was a bit choppy had a couple winners turn into losers holding to long. But followed my risk rules. I was more focus on passing my top step valuation yesterday which I did. Today should be a more focused effort on my part.
End of …
I rather bailed on the last journal challenge - I still journaled the whole month, just in my own way - but with the offer from LegendsTrading I figured I'd give futures another go. That short term style of trading is also much better suited for …