Albany, New York, USA & sometimes Central Florida
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: Tradovate+Jigsaw, TOS
Broker: Tradovate/CQG, TOS/Pony Express
Trading: Energies, Indexes, Grains
Posts: 162 since Mar 2016
Thanks Given: 551
Thanks Received: 363
It is a HUGE discervice to yourself and those who depend on you to do lazy, sloppy, or incomplete work. This has crept into my trading this year (always a risk) so I am using this journal space to try and correct that.
To finish the year strong I'll recored and review some of my work here through December 2024.
This journal's goals:
1) Re-afirm my plan and process for taking on risk each day, so that my actions, more and more, reflect what I know to be true and aren't driven by emotions
2) Re-establish my habits of good a) preperation, b) mental foundation, c) execution, d) review
3) Renew accountability and bring clarity for my way forward
“The pain of discipline is nothing like the pain of disappointment.” — Justin Langer