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I want to build a simple twitter scraper. Nothing fancy, just something where I can type a keyword or phrase/mention, E.g., "#China," or "@remi" or any single word, and it would return the dateTime, along with any number of things.
The number of things, would like just be somehting storing a counter, so I could see, say on 15Feb2024 2:05pm, 15 different mentions occured. I'd like to be able to plot this over time.
I've never done something like that, and my experience is pretty much basic coding in NT.
But, is this something feasible to do? If not, and I needed to pay someone to do it, does this sound complicated, and where should I look?
Just looking to get some ideas on where to start.
Any help would be appreciated,
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Also, do tell us how this could improve/help in trading?
It would be difficult to measure social media impact on price, more so difficult unless you have some weight allocation system. Or want to go manually and decide for yourself. Which might just beat the purpose of this, but that's also very cheap
"Be an observer, You are not your trading performance, Stop thinking so much, Eliminate/reduce social media activity, Accept the randomness" - Josh
"Be an observer, You are not your trading performance, Stop thinking so much, Eliminate/reduce social media activity, Accept the randomness" - Josh