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Delta divergence indicator ...

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  #1 (permalink)
marcovth's Avatar
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Hello ...

I am new to coding and I am trying to code a delta divergence indicator for
MultiCharts similar to this one ... YouTube - [AUTOLINK]Delta[/AUTOLINK] Divergence Indicator

Can some one give me some suggestions on how I can calculate the Min and Max
delta per bar?

I have tried this, but it's not working.

Var:IntraBarPersist Delta(0); 
Var:IntraBarPersist MaxDelta(0);
Var:IntraBarPersist MinDelta(0);

Delta = Upticks-DownTicks;

Plot30( Delta, "Delta");

If Delta > 0 Then

If Delta > 0 and Delta > MaxDelta then MaxDelta=Delta;
If Delta < 0 and Delta < MinDelta then MinDelta=Delta;

Plot10( MaxDelta, "MaxDelta");setPlotcolor(10,BLUE);
Plot20( MinDelta, "MinDelta");setPlotcolor(20,BLUE);
The idea is to create three histograms, with the Delta histogram
on top of the MaxDelta and MinDelta histograms. And with the
Delta histogram having wider bars.

This should then look very similar to the delta candles as in the video.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

- Marco.

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FulcrumTrader's Avatar
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marcovth View Post
Hello ...

I am new to coding and I am trying to code a delta divergence indicator for
MultiCharts similar to this one ... YouTube - [AUTOLINK]Delta[/AUTOLINK] Divergence Indicator

Can some one give me some suggestions on how I can calculate the Min and Max
delta per bar?

I have tried this, but it's not working.

Var:IntraBarPersist Delta(0); 
Var:IntraBarPersist MaxDelta(0);
Var:IntraBarPersist MinDelta(0);
Delta = Upticks-DownTicks;
Plot30( Delta, "Delta");
If Delta > 0 Then
If Delta > 0 and Delta > MaxDelta then MaxDelta=Delta;
If Delta < 0 and Delta < MinDelta then MinDelta=Delta;
Plot10( MaxDelta, "MaxDelta");setPlotcolor(10,BLUE);
Plot20( MinDelta, "MinDelta");setPlotcolor(20,BLUE);
The idea is to create three histograms, with the Delta histogram
on top of the MaxDelta and MinDelta histograms. And with the
Delta histogram having wider bars.

This should then look very similar to the delta candles as in the video.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

- Marco.

MultiCharts does not have the ability to properly track the Cumulative Delta at this time so they have no such indicator. For solid Cumulative Delta tracking you will need to stick to, Investor RT, or some of the NT7 choices (with ONLY DTN.IQ feed).

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Last Updated on October 19, 2010

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