How to NT8 Session Iterator with Trading Hours Templates
Using the built in session iterator combined with NinjaTrader's numerous Trading Hours templates, you can quickly filter data for more specific time periods. This can be very useful in indicators and strategies where you may want to exploit an edge during a certain time period as well as helping you avoid other market sessions.
For example, @FT71 does all of his market profile building based on tick data and the ES day session only. Based on the same idea, this combination allows us to do the same in NinjaTrader 8. To expand even further, NT8 allows us the quick and easy ability to create our own trading hour templates without touching a single line of code!
I created this quick video tutorial outlining the code needed to get up and running. In addition, I also cover the few "gotchas" when trying to add this functionality to your trading tools. Creation and usage code samples are below. All code (including the full Visual Studio solution) is freely available on my GitLab page.