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Open Trendline V2 5 *
In the comments for the Open Trendline indicator treydog999 asked for a version that is able to capture the Globex open. This version is a more flexible indicator when it comes to the time open is captured.
It has an input called SessionBegin, where you can setup your own start time.

On the screenshot you can see how with using two instances of the indicator it displays both Globex and Floor open. When you run into troubles with indicator there is a good chance that this caused by the session settings your are using for the chart, but instead of using SessionStartTime(1, 2) for the SessionBegin you can use a time input as well.


Version 1.00 - 2013-05-26

Category MultiCharts 
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Details: Open Trendline V2
Category: MultiCharts 

May 26th, 2013
Size: 3.12 KB
Downloaded: 320 times


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