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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

Colour Time Bands 3 *
This indicator was provided elsewhere on the forum (thanks very much) and will show up to 3 different coloured backgrounds to the chart for different time zones - such as RTH / ETH and so on.

However, you (someone?) may want to fix these bugs: 1. When I close Ninja and re-open it disappears and needs to be re-loaded onto the chart; 2. I can't "save template"; 3. I would like to be able to treat it as a 24hr clock, in other words - if I enter 16:00 to 10:00 it should shade the entire overnight session. Rather, these indicators seem to get stuck at midnight and hence you need a few bands (so I can work around this if I need to).

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Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

September 8th, 2016
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