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Laguerre Filter (amaLaguerreFilter) 5 *
Version 1.0 March 6, 2017

This is a four element Laguerre Filter as described by John Ehlers in his paper "Time Warp - Without Space Travel".

The Laguerre Filter is a smoothing filter based on Laguerre polynomials. Its first term is an EMA, which is then further smoothened with a damping factor. The damping factor may take any value between 0 and 1. When the damping factor is set to 0, the Laguerre Filter becomes a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. When the damping factor is set to a value close to 1, the filter becomes dramatically smoother, but will have a significant lag.

The indicator that can be downloaded here is a four element Laguerre Filter. I have replaced the damping factor with a synthetic lookback period which allows for adjusting smoothness and lag. A lookback period of 1 corresponds to a simple 4-period triangular moving average.

LaguerreFilter(1) = TMA(4)

When the synthetic lookback period is increased, the filter becomes smoother but has a slower response to price changes.

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Details: Laguerre Filter (amaLaguerreFilter)
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

October 20th, 2017
Size: 2.67 KB
Downloaded: 380 times

Keywords: damping filter iir laguerre polynomials


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