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Ehlers Quotient Transform - Early Trend Detection 5 *
The Quotient Transform which was presented in the August 2014 issue of the TASC magazine.

Ehlers Quotient Transform, which nonlinearly manipulates indicators to not only produce an early trend detection but also provides the ability to know how long to stick with the trend. A typical characteristic of the early-onset trend detector is that it remains above zero, indicating an uptrend, far too long after the uptrend is over. This characteristic can be mitigated by adding an additional indicator and rule set to exit a long trend trade. The early-onset trend indicator can be tuned at the trader’s preference by inputting a value for the low-pass period (LPPeriod) and the quotient parameter K.

The early-onset trend detector works in current market conditions because there is a decided upside bias to the market data. In fact, it is this upside bias that helps the nonlinear transfer response of the quotient transform work. In conditions where the market has a downside bias, negative values of K should be used in the quotient transform to take advantage of the bias in this direction.

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Details: Ehlers Quotient Transform - Early Trend Detection
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

November 25th, 2017
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