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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

EquitiesV1 5 *
This indicator is for equities traders, to compare current performance with the 'other 3' equities and an average of all 4.
It adds data series for ES, NQ, RTY and YM, shows % change for each since the session open (24 hr session, not just the day session) as well as a simple moving average of all 4. The SMA period is user-configurable. Default is 10.

Please note that the expiry date is one of the parameters. It's hard-coded with an 09-18 expiration, but you'll need to manually update that when you use the next contract date. (Or an earlier one)

I know I could have made the code extract the current expiry date, but the truth is I didn't feel like bothering working out that code again. (Did it for a previous indicator in NT7.)

I hope some of you find this indicator of use.

*** I finally updated the code for this indicator to pull that expiration date from the chart, so you don't have to input the date manually anymore.
Please find version 2 here:

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Details: EquitiesV1
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

August 27th, 2018
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Downloaded: 246 times


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