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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
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MACDBBLines (amaMACDBBLines) 5 *
Version 1.3 October 30, 2018

The MACDBBLines indicator is built from a standard MACD indicator with Bollinger Bands added to the signal line. The MACD values are shown as dots. This indicator is typically used to generate with-trend entries when the upper or lower Bollinger Band is violated.

Minor trend: The minorlower timeframe trend is up when the MACD is rising. It is down when the MACD is falling.

Major trend: The higher timeframe trend may be taken from the MACD itself. An major uptrend is signaled when MACD > 0, while MACD < 0 stands for a major downtrend.

Public Properties: The indicator comes with a few public Series<double> that can be accessed via other indicators or automated strategies. These will also be shown in the strategy builder. The series "Trend" may be used to detect the minor trend. "Trend" will show the value +2 when the MACD is rising and above the upper Bollinger Band, +1 when it is rising and below the upper Bollinger Band, -1 when it is falling and above the lower Bollinger Band, -2 when it is falling and below the lower Bollinger Band. You will further find two Series<double> "LongSignal" and "ShortSignal". "LongSignal" will return +2 for an upper band violation in a major uptrend (strong signal), +1 for an upper band violation in a major downtrend (weak signal) and 0 for no signal. Accordingly, "ShortSignal" will return +2 for a lower band violation in a major downtrend (strong signal), +1 for an lower band violation in a major uptrend (weak signal) and 0 for no signal.

Market Analyzer Column: The indicator comes with two separate market analyzer columns. The first column will simply indicate the trend and return values based on rising and falling MACD above or below the Bollinger Bands as described above. The second column will return entry signals, where +2 stand for a strong long signal, + 1 for a weak long signal, 0, for no signal, -1 for a weak short signal and - 2 for a strong short signal. For the market analyzer I have squeezed long and short signals into a single column, as there is little space on a market analyzer. For the Series<double> objects, I have separated the LongSignal and ShortSignal series, as they are designed to return positive values or 0 for no signal only. Please pay attention to the difference.

Paint Bars: The indicator comes with paint bars that reflect the minor trend. The colors are similar to the colors for the MACDBB dots, but you may differentiate between upcloses and downcloses.

Sound Alerts: The indicator comes with sound alerts that will be triggered when the upper or lower band is violated, or when the major trend changes.

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Details: MACDBBLines (amaMACDBBLines)
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

October 31st, 2018
Size: 14.91 KB
Downloaded: 2166 times

Keywords: bollinger macd macdbb macdbblines oscillator


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