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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
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MaxStopFailsafe - Hidden Auto Stop
Theres no screenshot as its a hidden indicator.

Guys I paid for this indicator to be developed.
It’s basically a hidden automatic “stop order”

I call it my failsafe loss limiter, as when trading using NT8 I have a bad habit of removing the visible stops on the chart at times to give a trade room to breathe and then every so often I end up getting run over by a sharp move and I wanted to prevent that from happening. Stop the bad habit so to speak. So i had this indicator developed which could run in the background.

Basically you attach it to your chart like any other indicator, set your amount of ticks stop loss in the settings and away you go. Then whenever you place a trade via NT8 chart trader and forget to use a stop, when your set level/amount of ticks against you is hit, you will be stopped out automatically.

Now, forewarning:
When I used the indicator it worked well but then there were a couple of issues:

1. At times, when say I had it set to 16 ticks stop loss and I wanted to change my mind and I changed the set level to say 12 ticks in the sttings, even though I changed it in the indicator settings, the original set level was filled, not the new level.


2. When I remove the indicator from the chart, the auto stop would still function and I’d get filled even though I had removed It from the chart. It only removes from the chart when I removed the actual indicator from the ninjascriptor editor indicators list.

Both of the above shouldn’t happen.

I asked my programmer to look at this, but he couldn’t find anything wrong in the programming. So feel free to use it and if any of you programmers on here could maybe give it a test and fix the above issues if you have them I think it would be helpful indicator for NT8 users.

I really liked using this indicator as it forces my own limits upon me and saves me from my own bad habits of moving / removing stops.

Although sometimes you do have to change the stop size due to changing market conditions/volatility.

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Details: MaxStopFailsafe - Hidden Auto Stop
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

December 11th, 2018
Size: 2.46 KB
Downloaded: 99 times

Keywords: loss stop


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