This strategy allows you:
- convert market-replay(NRD) to CSV format (for each day separately)
- convert market-replay to NinjaTrader ticks import format (*.Last.txt, *.Ask.txt, *.Bid.txt)
How to use it:
1) Connect to Market Replay Connection
2) In strategy tab add MarketReplayDumpStrategy and select Contract you're trying to convert for example ES 09-19(make sure that you have any market replays for that contact). TimeFrame of strategy do not matter, same as DaysToLoad, but better select 1 day to load it faster.
3) Make sure folder from strategy settings exists
4) Enable the strategy and watch Output window
* Dump process can be multi-threaded, you can control that via MaxDegreeOfParallelism
* Creation of import data is single threaded since it is writing to one file
* Strategy will automatically detect life time of contact by expiration/rollover dates from NinjaTrader, and adds extra 3 days before and after
* Once conversion process is done strategy will disable itself
* When importing(Tools->Import->Historical Data) set "Time Zone of imported Data" to your NinjaTrader TimeZone(Tools->Options->General->Time Zone)
* Tested on 64-bit
Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More