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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

LargeTrades Strategy NT8 5 *
Coded by bcomas July 2020. Email me for improvements or suggestions.

Trading the major transactions that have taken place during
short period of time and at the same price (Limit buyer / seller)

Scalping 1 minute timeframe . Catching the excess of volume.

Updated Version at October 2020

Download at:

* Days of the week
* OrderFlow Cumulative Delta option (Life time licences only)
* Boost if profit using the ATM option
* BreakEven option
* Halt trading if the account drops or reach the account target
* Prior Day HL visulal on chart

- Optimized for the Futures instrument MYM
- Fixed minor bugs


vol = 150;
fix = 1;

// StopLoss & ProfitTarget
UseProtectiveStops = true;
StopLoss = 80;
ProfitTarget = 100;

// Daily Target
Contracts = 1;
DailyLossLimit = -100;
DailyProfitLimit = 100;
DailyTradesCount = 1;

// Email alerts
UseEmail = false;
EnableEntryAlert = false;
EnableExitAlert = false;
toEmailAddress = @"";

// Times
Session1 = true;
Session1Start = 0;
Session1End = 223059;

Session2 = false;
Session2Start = 90000;
Session2End = 110000;

Session3 = false;
Session3Start = 120000;
Session3End = 125900;

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Details: LargeTrades Strategy NT8
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

July 4th, 2020
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Downloaded: 1273 times


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