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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

PriceLineRR 5 *
Hello Traders, after downloading and using the Price Line indie that I downloaded from FIO, I decided that it would be nice to see where Stops might be as the price moves around. You can make these lines +/- ticks from the current price. In the pic, they are set to 20 ticks. The Plum colored lines are 20t above and below the current price.

There is also a button along the X-axis that allows you to enable or disable the indie if needed.

Trade Well...

R1: 2/5/2021. Trader NgoLimit wanted a shorter price line. I changed the minimum length to 1, so it will draw thru the current candle to 1 candle back.
R2: 7/8/2021. I added PriceLineRRatr to the ZIP. PriceLineRRatr draws the RR lines X ATRs above and below the current price. The ZIP now includes both indies. Thanks Brett for the suggestion.

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Details: PriceLineRR
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

January 19th, 2021
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Downloaded: 590 times


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