This is not a NinjaTrader indicator but rather an Excel spreadsheet. I created it a long time ago and thought it might be useful to share.
It will help traders to let them see how they can grow their accounts over almost a one year time frame.
There are 3 sheets, Inputs, Details and Options (see the tabs at the bottom of the first page).
On the Inputs sheet there are 6 different cells with blue backgrounds for you to complete.
They are all drop-down lists that are activated by clicking the cell and then the down arrow.
- Choose Contract - either ES, GC, NQ, MES or MNQ
- Initial Number of Contracts to Trade - a value from 1 to 10
- Net Tick Target Per Day Per Contract - a value from 1 to 100
- Initial Account Size - from $3,000 to $20,000
- Increase Contracts by 1 after What Increase in Account Size - from $3,000 to $20,000
- Pay Yourself How Much Every Friday? from $0 to $5,000
At the bottom of the Inputs sheet you will see the initial results and below that the results after every 10 weeks.
If you click on the Details sheet you will be able to see the weekly results for almost 1 year.
Each sheet is protected. The password is charles after the late Charles Cochran from Inside Edge Trading.
Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More