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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

gbRMMA 5 *
gbRMMA (Ver 1.0) by TraderGB

This is a very modified version of the original Rainbow Multiple Moving Average (RMMA). It allows many averages of a given type based on user input.

1) Put input parameters within indicator (original indicator got input params from file).
2) Added more moving averages/filters to choose from.
3) Added deviation bands where you can choose between StdDev or ATR and multiples for bands 1/2/3.
4) Added mid-point plot of all averages. StdDev/ATR bands are based off this central point.
5) Ability to hide average lines.
6) Ability to color averages based on Up/Down colors or use Rainbow colors.
7) Ability to color background based on these trend rules:
* SlopeFull - Looks for all averages trending in the same direction before flipping trend direction.
* SlopeHalf - Looks for the number averages rising vs falling to determine trend direction.
8) Ability to show/hide the mid-point.
9) Ability to color bars based on if close is above/below mid-point.
10) Ability to show/hide bands.
11) Many color/opacity options.

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Details: gbRMMA
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

March 12th, 2021
Size: 88.74 KB
Downloaded: 423 times

Keywords: average moving rainbow rmma


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