gbTimeAlerts, Ver 1.1 (Updated), TraderGB, April 8, 2021 A big thanks to BobC for recommendations and beta testing.
Description: Time alerts indicator that draws vertical lines and plays sound alerts at user defined times. On intraday bar charts, both vertical line and sound alerts are available. On non-intraday bar charts, only sound alerts are available (not vertical lines).
Included with this is a WAV file that plays "Time Alert" three times, TimeAlertX3.wav.
This is to be placed in the NT8 sound folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaTrader 8\sounds).
1) Ability to have 6 time alerts. If you need more, you can add the indicator a second time
2) Option to enable/disable each individual alert
3) Uses TimeEditorKey for time input/validation
4) Option to display text tag for each vertical line [Label, Time, Both, None]
5) Option to vertically move (stagger) display text tag 0-100 pixels from top of chart.
6) Option to choose dash style for each alert [Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Solid]
7) Option to set line width between 1 and 9 for each alert
8) Option to select color and opacity for each line alert
9) Option to enable/disable sound alerts separate from line alerts for each alert.
10) Uses FilePathPicker for sound file input/validation.
11) Lines drawn across all panels on the screen, not just the host panel.
12) Sound alerts still play even if chart is inactive in background.
13) Works fully with indicator templates so you can have several versions of inputs (i.e., one for CL, another for ES, etc.)
04-09-2021, Ver 1.1
1) Fixed XML on Opacity settings.
Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More