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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
Indicators and Files in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 8

gbRevEngRSITrend 5 *
gbRevEngRSITrend, Ver 1.0, TraderGB, May 29, 2021

Uses the Reverse Engineered RSI indicator to determine trend. Fifty on the RSI marks the point where the average of up closes is equal to the average of down closes. If the RSI is above this point the average of the up closes is greater that the down closes and vice versa. Instead of using 50 as the point of demarcation, this indicator accounts for noise by defining upper and lower boundaries above and below 50 (default of 52 for upper and 48 for lower). An uptrend is signaled when a low is printed above the upper boundary plot and a downtrend when a high is printed below the lower boundary plot.

Plots for standard deviation or ATR bands are an additional option that can be employed. The upper deviation plot is a multiple of the StdDev or ATR added to the upper boundary plot. The lower deviation plot uses this same deviation value and subtracts it from the lower boundary plot.

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Details: gbRevEngRSITrend
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

May 30th, 2021
Size: 10.87 KB
Downloaded: 945 times

Keywords: reverse rsi trend engineered


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