gbMajorBar, Ver 1.0, TraderGB, June, 24 2021
Highlights bars with above normal range and volume.
1) This indicator is designed to be used on bars that vary in range and volume. Thus, it is not intended to be used with bars with constant range or volume (for example, range bars or volume bars).
2) WAV files are within included zip file. You'll have to manually copy and paste these files to your sound folder within NT8 (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaTrader 8\sounds).
* AverageLookback: Lookback period to determine what is normal or typical.
* DevType: Deviation type: ATR or StdDev (default=StdDev)
* RangeMultiple: Threshold multiple above normal range (min=1, default=2)
* VolumeMultiple: Threshold multiple above normal volume (min=1, default=2)
MajorBar Plot Values:
0 = not a major bar
1 = major bar up
-1 = major bar down
Included sound files for alerts (place in NT sound folder):
Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More