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Murrey Math Oscillator 5 *
This is the Murrey Math Oscillator from Tradingview.
Its default setting for length is 100 but you can also try 75 or 50.
Its a great Indicator it has served me well.

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: Murrey Math Oscillator
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

August 17th, 2024
Size: 5.20 KB
Downloaded: 334 times

Keywords: math murrey oscillator trendfilter
Murrey Math Oscillator 5 *
Price Oscillator with Murrey math lines.

Category MultiCharts 
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Details: Murrey Math Oscillator
Category: MultiCharts 

June 27th, 2022
Size: 12.45 KB
Downloaded: 123 times

Keywords: histogram math murrey oscillator
Murrey Math Input V1 5 *
For NT7

This indicator plots Murrey Math lines using values that are manually entered by the user. These user input values can be derived from one of the automatic Murrey Math indicators such as the ones available on that has been placed on a separate chart (or with information otherwise determined by the user). In this way the user can view the lines on a chart with a different chart interval than the chart interval used by the automatic Murrey Math indicator.

For example, the automatic Murrey Math indicator would be placed on a 5 minute chart. The 8/8 and 0/8 values would be noted from this chart. A 2,000 tick chart (or any other interval) would be opened and the MurreyMathInput indicator applied with the 8/8 and 0/8 values manually entered by the user. The MurreyMathInput indicator should plot the same lines regardless of chart interval. These lines will not change until the user changes the InputHigh and InputLow values.

I have noted that sometimes a line plotted by this indicator will have a slightly different value than the one that is plotted on the automatic indicator chart. I think this is because the values derived from the automatic indicator are rounded so when entered into the input version a double rounding error occurs.

I welcome any input but must warn that I am not very good at coding and only know enough to hack this one together from an automatic Murrey Math indicator.

Use at your own risk and in good health.

Category NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 
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Details: Murrey Math Input V1
Category: NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 

October 5th, 2016
Size: 9.93 KB
Downloaded: 591 times

Keywords: math murrey
Murrey Math Lines v1.5.1 5 *
Please check this thread Murrey Math Lines for detailed description.

This version adds support for NT 7 b17

Category NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 
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Details: Murrey Math Lines v1.5.1
Category: NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 

June 24th, 2010
Size: 9.12 KB
Downloaded: 2437 times

Keywords: ivanjocic math mml murrey ninjatrader
MurreyMath_NT7_v1 5 *
The Murrey Math trading system is primarily based upon the observations made by W.D. Gann in the first half of the 20th century.

While Gann was purported to be a brilliant trader in any market his techniques have been regarded as complex and difficult to implement.

The great contribution of Murrey Math (T. H. Murrey) was the creation of a system of geometry that can be used to describe market price movements in time. This geometry facilitates the use of Gann's trading techniques.


This is modified from Big Mike's version with help from Bertrand @ NT Support

NT 7 Compatable: Yes - ZTrade101

Category NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 
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Details: MurreyMath_NT7_v1
Category: NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 

February 5th, 2010
Size: 28.35 KB
Downloaded: 3735 times

Keywords: math gann bmt murrey
Murrey Math Lines (MetaTrader) 5 *
Murrey Math Line X MetaTrader indicator — a pivot line indicator that will definitely help every trader that know how to trade with support, resistance and pivot lines. It displays 8 different lines (with possible additional lines) on the main chart, helping you to find the best points to sell, buy and exit the positions.
Input parameters:

  • P (default = 64) — period in bars or in other periods (set by MMPeriod), on which the lines will be calculated. The lower is the number the more current but less accurate calculations will be.
  • MMPeriod (default = 1440) — a basic period in minutes (60 — for hourly pivots, 1440 — for daily pivots, 10080 — for weekly and 43200 — for monthly); if greater than zero, indicator will use P amount of MMPeriod minutes to calculate its lines. If zero, indicator will use P amount of the current chart bars to calculate its lines.
  • StepBack (default = 0) — a shift back for calculating the lines (in the current bars or in number of MMPeriod (if set) minutes).
  • Other parameters — affect only visual parameters of the lines.

Category MetaTrader 4 Indicators 
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Details: Murrey Math Lines (MetaTrader)
Category: MetaTrader 4 Indicators 

December 20th, 2009
Size: 13.11 KB
Downloaded: 643 times

Keywords: math murrey metatrader mt4 mq4
Murrey Math Lines 5 *
There is an NT7 version now available.

The Murrey Math trading system is primarily based upon the observations made by W.D. Gann in the first half of the 20th century. See

While Gann was purported to be a brilliant trader in any market his techniques have been regarded as complex and difficult to implement.

The great contribution of Murrey Math (T. H. Murrey) was the creation of a system of geometry that can be used to describe market price movements in time. This geometry facilitates the use of Gann's trading techniques.


UPDATED: JULY 1 2009, version 1.5 adds ability to left-justify chart labels.

UPDATED: JUNE 22 2009, many new features added courtesy PrTester (plus a few of my own hehe).

NinjaTrader 6.5: YES
NinjaTrader 7.0: [COLOR=#0000ff]NOT TESTED [feedback][/COLOR]

Category NinjaTrader 6.5 Indicators 
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Details: Murrey Math Lines
Category: NinjaTrader 6.5 Indicators 

July 1st, 2009
Size: 8.95 KB
Downloaded: 4142 times

Keywords: bmt math mml murrey ninjatrader
BMT Video: Illustration of Murrey Math
This quick video shows some ZN 09-09 price action with Murrey Math.

I also briefly talked about EOT's Allas Average, which I am using and like a lot.


1) Unrar. Download winrar if needed.
2) Watch. Download a mp4 player ( vlc) if needed.

Category Educational 
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Details: BMT Video: Illustration of Murrey Math
Category: Educational 

June 22nd, 2009
Size: 18.97 MB
Downloaded: 745 times

Keywords: murrey math blog bmt video
Murrey Math: Understanding it and trading it
This archive contains a PowerPoint presentation showing 10 lessons on trading Murrey Math, and it includes an overview of "how to trade Murrey Math Lines (MML)" by a fellow trader.

Please also see this forum topic for detailed look at Murrey Math trading:


Category Educational 
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Details: Murrey Math: Understanding it and trading it
Category: Educational 

June 20th, 2009
Size: 722.45 KB
Downloaded: 860 times

Keywords: murrey math


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