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@NinjaTrader what happened to the FCM shift? Never happened to my account
"The day I became a winning trader was the day it became boring. Daily losses no longer bother me and daily wins no longer excited me. Took years of pain and busting a few accounts before finally got my mind right. I survived the darkness within and now just chillax and let my black box do the work."
b) Never using workspaces, but simply loading templates
c) Deleting historical data daily
While this and your proposed method (I may check it out, thank you) may work, I don't think this is an acceptable standard for a modern day trading platform. It should work out of the box without having to be a 'techie' or developing special methods for being able to use it properly.
My issues with Ninjatrader started with NT8. It was supposed to be an improvement, but I just don't see or experience it. It's been a major disappointment.
No. Transact Futures, which owned Infinity Futures, was bought by NinjaTrader and became NinjaTrader Clearing, which is now Ninjatrader's FCM. There is no separate Infinity Futures after the acquisition.
When one door closes, another opens.
-- Cervantes, Don Quixote