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This news item about NinjaTrader purchasing Transact Futures, the owner of Infinity Brokers, and planning to operate its own FCM, was flagged by @sakisf in another thread:
This is exciting news for NinjaTrader. The actual PR campaign is scheduled for Tuesday however, the news somehow leaked and the article came out ahead of our own news release.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
There is zero impact. It’s business as usual for all accounts and prospects. As the organizations are further integrated, there will be opportunities for us to expand our service offerings and support & we are excited to introduce those in coming months.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
The additional accounts represent about 10% of our total accounts.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
Patrick Zielbauer is good people. infinity futures has some good people.
Just wish NinjaTrader would be as stable and robust as Sierra and TradeStation just being honest. Having paid a $1,000 for the NT License feel I paid for the right to tell the truth. Any chance NinjaTrader will improve customer service to the level Infinity Futures provides ?
@NinjaTrader, what is the longer term plan for the current broker connections available to NinjaTraders. Is it likley that ninjatrader will be reducung the connection options available to it's customers in future?
This is important for current and potential new customers to know when deciding on whether ninjatrader traders is the right platfomr for them. While this may be a good news for the development of ninjatrader as a broker it would seem likley that the connection options for users will be reduced as ninjatrader will want to force users of the platfomr to use their brokerage service rather than the "competion".