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I am trying to learn EL and looking for some resources to help me learn. I am sure there are some great resources available on the internet?? Are there any books that are worth buying? How do you debug EL? Here are links to the resources listed from MC website
All EasyLanguage programming is in the same subforum. But you can glance to the left of each post and view the posters profile to see which they are using, or possibly see they are using both.
whats the best way to find out information about functions, signals and indicators i.e... what the different functions, signals and indicators mean, the thinking behind them...
1. Read all the material in post #1 (which is also on NexusFi (formerly BMT) Downloads - Education section).
2. Read all the code you can find, starting with the code for indicators that come with the platform.
3. Read the code shared on NexusFi (formerly BMT) by other members.
For the most part, EasyLanguage reads like English - meaning it is pretty straightforward and not a complex language to understand what is happening simply by reading the code.