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I've wrote an indicator into Tradestation 9. It's using a great deal of the new features in Easy-language. I'm now wanting to convert that to Multi-charts. However because of the features and functions that I'm using, multi-charts is having a hard time "swallowing" it. Does anyone know if you can bring over the libraries from TS 9 Easy-language to multi-charts?
Example: I'm trying to use a method void routine() yet multi-charts chokes on it.
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I agree with Mike; some more info would make helping easier. However, from what you provided, I assume that you use a C++ DLL (judging from the void rountine() method)? Perhaps the SDK pdf can help you, though MultiCharts supplies the TradeStation version of that file (suggesting that it should work the same).
Perhaps this question is complex enough to be better answered by contacting MC Support directly through email - they are also helpful with coding questions, and I haven't yet heard the NinjaTrader default response of "we don't provide support/help/suggestions for that" from them. Just saying.
Well from what I have found out apparently Multi-Charts uses 8.3 easylang. So that's why my stuff written with easylang. 9.0 isn't going in so well. Guess I'll have to call multi-charts and see what they say about updating there easylang. unless you can manually force it through somehow.
I don't think MC supports this yet as I tried creating a simple example and it won't compile. The "method" is classified by MC as a reserved word, but I don't believe the 9.x grammar/syntax is fully supported yet. You'll probably have to define the "method" as a function and call it that way.