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multicharts/easylanguage/pending automation orders

Discussion in EasyLanguage Programming

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  #1 (permalink)
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In reference to multicharts (easylanguage).

I have coded a breakout strategy to take the break of an inside bar high + 1 tick. If my condition is met the pending order is placed. However if the price never touches the price the pending order is still there for hours which I only want the pending order to be there for one hour after the condition is met. How do I get it to be there so its not there indefinetly? The only way the pending order goes away is if there is a new condition met or it gets executed.

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  #3 (permalink)
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Originally posted in Traders Hideout
Moved to EasyLanguage Programming

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  #4 (permalink)
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It seems to be the same question as in


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  #5 (permalink)
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Yea the post was moved but no solution yet? If anyone knows that would be greatly appreciated.


Nicolas11 View Post

It seems to be the same question as in


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  #6 (permalink)
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Nicolas11 View Post
It seems to be the same question as in

Yeah, and the same question I've got on my profile from Guppy. And judging from earlier PMs from him, you may already have a PM with the exact same question in your inbox.

I don't think spamming and bugging is helpful in getting a question quicker Guppy. Actually, it might even lower your chances of getting a reply (at least, that's how I feel about it).

  #7 (permalink)
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Sorry guys. No I'm not slamming I'm just stuck. Also the post was moved so I tried reporting to better room.

Only Jura got pm since he's been helpful before on the past


Jura View Post
Yeah, and the same question I've got on my profile from Guppy. And judging from earlier PMs from him, you may already have a PM with the exact same question in your inbox.

I don't think spamming and bugging is helpful in getting a question quicker Guppy. Actually, it might even lower your chances of getting a reply (at least, that's how I feel about it).

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  #8 (permalink)
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Let's continue the discussion in the other thread.

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Last Updated on January 31, 2012

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