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I have coded a breakout strategy to take the break of an inside bar high + 1 tick. If my condition is met the pending order is placed. However if the price never touches the price the pending order is still there for hours which I only want the pending order to be there for one hour after the condition is met. How do I get it to be there so its not there indefinetly? The only way the pending order goes away is if there is a new condition met or it gets executed.
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Originally posted in Traders Hideout
Moved to EasyLanguage Programming
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Mike in red below you said that all orders are canceled and replaced at the start of each new bar. But I dont see it happend way. For example i have coded a breakout strategy to take the break of an inside bar high + 1 tick. If my condition is met the …
Yeah, and the same question I've got on my profile from Guppy. And judging from earlier PMs from him, you may already have a PM with the exact same question in your inbox.
I don't think spamming and bugging is helpful in getting a question quicker Guppy. Actually, it might even lower your chances of getting a reply (at least, that's how I feel about it).
Mike in red below you said that all orders are canceled and replaced at the start of each new bar. But I dont see it happend way. For example i have coded a breakout strategy to take the break of an inside bar high + 1 tick. If my condition is met the …