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So, as the "Song(s) of the day" thread has been a source of finding good music, I thought a thread devoted to video clips might be a good idea. I almost named it "Funny clip(s) of the day", but I don't like to dictate others. So: Funny, sad, erotic , beautiful, informational etc...... Share your favorites...
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"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
those were very funny, lornz! i have never seen that newstopia before - hilarious! huffington post comedy page didn't really have anything good today so good to find another source of chuckles. and the muppets of course are classic.
gridking, i probly shd be outraged over the ryan/timmy confrontation but honestly both those guys are kind of cute when they get mad
Du sublime au ridicule, il n'ya qu'un pas. ~Napoleon Bonaparte