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This is something I should have done months ago. The purpose of this thread is just to track the changes that I make to the site over time. Some may find it interesting, but its mainly for me.
So, unfortunately most the heavy lifting has been done already so this changelog will be starting out with a nice refined product. We'll call it NexusFi (formerly BMT) 2.0 But one day, soon I hope, NexusFi (formerly BMT) 3.0 will be around, so I'd like to start somewhere.
Tags allow you to enter up to 25 keywords describing the contents of a thread. Anyone can add tags to any thread, even a thread that is not yours. Be responsible with this You'll find it at the bottom of the thread "Edit tags" section. Also when a new thread is created, there is a field for tags.
Created "VIP Journals" subforum under The Elite Circle. There are more and more journals being created in the VIP section, and I wanted them to be separated so they were easier to find.
I understand why some users post journals in the VIP section as opposed to the main journal section. I am fine with it, and in fact wanted to encourage it. Anything I can do to get a user to start a journal is something I should do, because I know it will greatly benefit them.
Added "Post Templates". This feature will be available to VIP members only.
Post Templates will allow you to create custom templates for any type of post that you find yourself frequently repeating. You can also categorize the templates.
Example, you can create a very nicely formatted and detailed Journal Entry template. Then each day when you go to update your journal, with one click of the button the entire template is loaded for you.
You can also create templates for frequently asked questions. For instance if someone keeps asking you where to download the indicators in your thread, you could make a template that is very detailed and very nicely laid out. Click, save, done. The next 10 times someone asks the same question, you can quickly post the nicely formatted answer in the click of a button.
VIP users (and above) will find this feature in the User Control Panel. On the bottom left, there is a new option "Manage Post Templates". It's pretty self explanatory from there. To insert a template into a post, you'll find a new section on the top of the navbar inside the post editor (next to the font selection, colors, attachments, etc).
Added a Quick Link for members to be able to Apply to become a Moderator of the site. We're always looking for talented people who want to help the community.
Now, each post is automatically scanned for hundreds of keywords (which I just spent hours working on). It also auto-groups keywords, so for instance "fib", "fibo", and "fibonacci" will all just correlate to one single tag -- "fibonacci". This really makes the tagging much more useful.
In addition, you can now control Tag Search Results in a much more granular way. Some examples:
Tag search:
+predictive -fibonacci This would search for the tag "predictive" and exclude results that also contain "fibonacci".
Tag search:
+stochastics +volume +5m_chart This would search for the tag "stochastics" and "volume" and "5m_chart" all together in the same thread.
Changed the name of the subforum "Beginners and Introductions" to "Beginners, Introductions and Tutorials".
I did this because I plan to start posting some tutorials to this section in order to help members of the site use the site to its potential. Some ideas for tutorials so far are
- How to create a journal
- How to create a video journal
- How to search
- How to upload attachments in posts
- How to upload files to file sharing section
- How to use social features of the site
Finally did something I wanted to do six months ago, changed the default for Who's Online so it sorts by last activity (instead of alphabetically) and also defaults to 200 users a page instead of 20.
Many of you over the months have asked for a way to PayPal Donate on an automatic monthly subscription basis.
I've got this enabled now, you'll find the options in the normal Donate menu. I tried to make them as simple as possible, but the layout of the donation system is not perfect.
Thanks as always to those of you who donate to support the site.
For every new thread in most forums, a Quick Summary post (post #2) will automatically be created.
The purpose of the Quick Summary thread is to allow any member (not just the original poster, but ANY member) to Edit the Quick Summary post (post #2) and add FAQ's, links, and other relevant information.
This way, the most useful information can be maintained at the top of the thread, and the entire community can help make sure it stays relevant!
Obviously, there is a trust factor here. Don't do anything malicious in the edits Moderators can see the entire edit history, and revert to any prior revision.
I'm really looking forward to this feature guys. I hired a custom programmer to do it for us, so I hope you will embrace it and utilize it to make nexusfi.com (formerly BMT) that much better and unique
It will only be added to new threads, there is no way to add it to existing threads.
Mike (p.s. speaking of unique, the original idea was from fatwallet)