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@slickiam, I have meant to say thanks for doing this but have not been able to give time yet to looking at the study. I have been meaning to look at this new functionality in SC but until now have not, so thanks for calling its use to my attention!
Thank you for sharing the code. This is exactly what I was looking for.
One question – do you know if it is possible to control the same studies in several charts in the same chartbook? I have 4 charts with studies like volume by price and would like to find the way how to hide/show all the histograms in all the charts through the same button.
Do you know if this is possible with the ASC Tool?
Thank you!
Wondering how you have done to populate only 4 buttons on the chart itself. One way I know of is to disable all the other buttons in the main tool bar and move them on to the chart. Is there any other way to let the main tool bar in it's original place and place few custom buttons on the chart?
PS: From whatever I could see - it's not possible to "split" main toolbar and place buttons in multiple places. But curious if you have done it this way
@crazybears - Yes, wanted to leave the main tool bar as is on top of the window ( default location ) but have custom tools on the "chart". At present I don't think it is possible but thought of asking.