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I am new to EasyLanguage so I apologize ahead of time if I missed something obvious. I read the programmer's guider and I have the language reference handy, however I seem to be having a hard time doing something very simple. I am trying to use the function LowD (which is a wrapper for OHLCPeriodsAgo) with a 15-minute interval RadarScreen. However, no matter what I do LowD always returns -1. The documentation indicates that this is a problem with not enough historical bars being available, and I have fiddled with the max bars back value and the "Load additional data for accumulative calculations" option, all to no avail. My code is VERY simple:
once( runOnce = false )
Value1 = LowD(1);
Plot1( Value1 , "Last Low" , White , Black );
runOnce = true;
What am I missing here?
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A quick guess would be that at the time your code is executed, which will be on the first bar/tick,
LowD(1) doesn't have a value, yet.
What happens if you get rid of the "once" or if you replace it with "if CurrentBar = 2"?