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.NET advice for persistent graphics.DrawString and graphics.DrawRectangle

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  #1 (permalink)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
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Posts: 204 since Jul 2012

Hello NET gurus...

I'm working on a new version of SlopeBox that would have multiple MA/slopeboxes in one indicator. It is working well, but only the last drawn box is staying on the screen.....the public SlopeBox (forgot where I found it, probably NexusFi (formerly BMT)) uses .NET methods to draw, not NinjaTrader methods...


For example, the indicator has three different MA, and three different SlopeBoxes. The boxes are drawn in an override to the Plot Method.

Here is the draw code in the Plot override method....for each Plot this is called. Only the last box remains on the screen. The other two appear to be erased as soon as the next one is written.

//the bounds offset is multiplied by the box number to properly position new instances of the SlopeBox
(new Pen(Plots[0].Pen.Color, 2),
bounds.X + bounds.Width - 60,
bounds.Y + bounds.Height - Boxnumber * 40,

StringBuilder strDegrees = new StringBuilder();

bounds.X + bounds.Width - 60,
bounds.Y + bounds.Height - Boxnumber * 40,

Any ideas?

When I get it working I will post it.


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  #3 (permalink)
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vantojo View Post
Hello NET gurus...

I'm working on a new version of SlopeBox that would have multiple MA/slopeboxes in one indicator. It is working well, but only the last drawn box is staying on the screen.....the public SlopeBox (forgot where I found it, probably NexusFi (formerly BMT)) uses .NET methods to draw, not NinjaTrader methods...


For example, the indicator has three different MA, and three different SlopeBoxes. The boxes are drawn in an override to the Plot Method.

Here is the draw code in the Plot override method....for each Plot this is called. Only the last box remains on the screen. The other two appear to be erased as soon as the next one is written.

//the bounds offset is multiplied by the box number to properly position new instances of the SlopeBox
(new Pen(Plots[0].Pen.Color, 2),
bounds.X + bounds.Width - 60,
bounds.Y + bounds.Height - Boxnumber * 40,

StringBuilder strDegrees = new StringBuilder();

bounds.X + bounds.Width - 60,
bounds.Y + bounds.Height - Boxnumber * 40,

Any ideas?

When I get it working I will post it.


I guess I would be verifying that the boxnumber is working as that is the key to offsetting the boxes from each other. If they are the same number of course will overlay on each other.
Hopefully others can give you more to go on.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde
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  #4 (permalink)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
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Posts: 204 since Jul 2012

yes, the boxnumber is working OK...because if I comment out plot1 and plot2, plot0 will draw its slopebox

if I comment out Plot2 only, then the Plot0 slopebox does not show, but the plot1 slopebox does show. Seems that only the last slopebox written remains.

Ninjatrader draw functions let the coder say whether the prior draw object is erased when a new one is written...but this does not seem to be in the .net methods mentioned

would post the indicator code here but I don't know how to export it...the public enums are in the mother indicator and it won't compile stand alone on the export

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  #5 (permalink)
Tasker_182's Avatar
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vantojo View Post
yes, the boxnumber is working OK...because if I comment out plot1 and plot2, plot0 will draw its slopebox

if I comment out Plot2 only, then the Plot0 slopebox does not show, but the plot1 slopebox does show. Seems that only the last slopebox written remains.

Ninjatrader draw functions let the coder say whether the prior draw object is erased when a new one is written...but this does not seem to be in the .net methods mentioned

would post the indicator code here but I don't know how to export it...the public enums are in the mother indicator and it won't compile stand alone on the export

You can just attach the CS file itself.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde
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  #6 (permalink)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Experience: Intermediate
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Posts: 204 since Jul 2012

If you comment out Plot2 and Plot1 you will see that the box for Plot0 is on the chart.

When Plot0 and Plot1 are enabled (i.e. not commented), then the box for Plot 0 is not there

When Plot0, Plot1, and Plot2 are enabled, only the box for Plot 2 is on the chart

would like all three boxes to be on the chart

(also would like to know how to get rid of parameters that are no longer needed, but were in the mother code...)

Thank You!!

Attached Files
Elite Membership required to download: AASlopeBoxWORK.cs
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  #7 (permalink)
Tasker_182's Avatar
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vantojo View Post
If you comment out Plot2 and Plot1 you will see that the box for Plot0 is on the chart.

When Plot0 and Plot1 are enabled (i.e. not commented), then the box for Plot 0 is not there

When Plot0, Plot1, and Plot2 are enabled, only the box for Plot 2 is on the chart

would like all three boxes to be on the chart

(also would like to know how to get rid of parameters that are no longer needed, but were in the mother code...)

Thank You!!

I don't have much time to work on this but one thing you can look at is using 3 of:

graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Plots[0].Pen.Color, 2), bounds.X + bounds.Width - 60,bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 2 * 40, 46,22); where boxnumber variable is replaced by the actual number (in this example "2")

Probably the same with the graphics drawstring.

If I can find the time this weekend I'll see how much I can do to help but thought maybe these clues would get you started.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde
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  #8 (permalink)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
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Posts: 204 since Jul 2012

after doing some testing with appears I didn't understand the NT paradigm

in Replay (assuming that NT works the same with live data??) the Plot Override is called on each tick, even when CalculateOnBarClose is True

(In Replay) The Plot Override is called independently of the Plot(), and it appears that it is called after all the Plot() methods.

For my purposes I want the slope to be calculated on bar close...which is different than how most would use this....

I'm going to have to rethink how this is written (for my purpose)

(also Boxnumber should have been boxnumber)

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  #9 (permalink)
Tasker_182's Avatar
Cedar Rapids, iowa
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You might consider using the bool FirstTickOfBar if you want to control the processing.

I just have to ask, why do you want to write an indicator to show 3 angles when you can simply put 3 instances of 1 on the chart?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde
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  #10 (permalink)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: Ninja
Trading: NQ, UB
Posts: 204 since Jul 2012

Yes, I will filter for first tick of bar....

This code is going to go into a mother indicator.

Rather than instantiate a bunch of separate indicators, I want them all in one codeset, for the most part, so that the data is easily shared by one single intelligent algorithm...for example, to know the simultaneous value of three different MA is valuable information. It is easier for a process to have all this information in one place, especially if it is going to be correlated with other live indicators / calculations.

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Last Updated on August 3, 2013

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