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I want to display the time of the high and low on a daily bar based indicator.
Therefore, a 1 minute data was added to the daily data, which can be referenced in the indicator.
My idea was to realize it with a while loop starting when the end of the session is reached on data2.
Counting till the start of the session. However, I was not able to count back more than 150 bars i was noticed that the end of available bars was reached with 203 bars. But I am using 200days back for the minute and 200days back for the daily dataset. Therefore, this should be not the problem. It would be nice if somebody can help me out.
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Ok even if it is not following my first idea, the following code solved my problem.
However, in this implementation there is no backward looking loop and it only uses the incoming data stream order.
Therefore, I am still convinced that it should be possible to look back more bars on the minute data stream than can be referenced on the daily data stream. I would consider that error as a bug or a feature request within Multicharts.
Having implemented this with much less effort than I have used for the .NET variant, I am absolutly impressed about the ease of use of the easylanguage version. The concept of multiple data streams is just awesome.