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1. The code is referencing yesterday's opening range and not today's. What do I need to change to get it to reference today's opening range between the StartCalcTime and EndCalcTime?
2. Once problem 1 is solved, I would like to have the opening range trendline extend to the input value of the TLEndTime. Right now I just have a vertical line shooting straight up for the opening range trendlines.
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
I am just starting out in coding and not in EL, but here are two things that come to my mins when I look at it.
1. Right now you have "if Date <> Date[1]" do you need "if Date[0] <> Date[1]" ? Don't really know EL so don't know if you need that.
2. I can't see from the chart, is the last candle after the end of your range? On my NT time based range indicator, it won't calculate the current day's range until after the last bar of the range is closed.
Hopefully one of those helps. If not, here's to you finding a quick answer!
The code tracks the High and Low during your time bracket and uses this for calculations on a new day. That's why it's using the previous day's values. What you want can be achieved by computing your levels at the end of the time bracket. You could do something like this:
if Date <> Date[1] then
HaveLevels = false;
If Time > StartCalcTime and Time <= EndCalcTime then begin
If High >= DayHi then DayHi = High;
If Low <= DayLo then DayLo = Low;
If BarStatus(1) = 2 then
SessClose = Close;
end;//If Time > StartCalcTime and Time <= EndCalcTime then begin...
if Time > EndCalcTime and HaveLevels = false then
HaveLevels = true;
//calcualte your levels in here
This is the code part where you have to make changes:
I am sure the trendlines are plotting, but right before you plot them you reset the values
for DayHi and DayLo (DayHi = -999999 and DayLo = +999999). The trendlines are likely just out of sight. At the same point in the code you also reset the HaveTLs flag back to false. This blocks the part where the text would update to the most recent bar.
I really appreciate the help @ABCTG and I am learning about coding EasyLanguage. I have removed the DayHi, DayLo and HaveTL lines and it's almost there. The only thing now is that it only plots for the first day of chart and the end time of the opening range is not set correctly. I think I need to put in a line of code to tell it to stop at the end of every day but I'm afraid I don't know what. I tried this EndTime = Time[1]; but it didn't do anything, unless I put it in the wrong spot.
See if this works. You are right, you need to reset the DayHi and DayLo variables before your next StartCalcTime arrives so this should reset them to the high/low of the first bar after StartCalcTime.
Thanks but the only thing that changed was that it made the opening range low (0% line) slope upwards instead of downwards. I think I need to add an end time statement somewhere.
Thanks but the only thing that changed was that it made the opening range low (0% line) slope upwards instead of downwards. I think I need to add an end time statement somewhere.
Here you go. Added the reset towards the very end. It will reset DayHi and DayLo when we get to the TLEndTime. Also added a couple of more checks. Copy and paste this and it should work.
StartCalcTime (0900),
EndCalcTime (0905),
TLStartTime (0900),
TLEndTime (1430),
PlaceTextRight (true),
IgnoreWeekends (true),
TLSize (1),
TLStyle (1),
DayHiColor (white),
DayLoColor (white),
FibR1Color (red),
FibR2Color (red),
FibR3Color (red),
FibR4Color (red),
FibS1Color (green),
FibS2Color (green),
FibS3Color (green),
FibS4Color (green);;
DayBegan (false),
Monday2Friday (false),
FibR1 (0),
FibR2 (0),
FibR3 (0),
FibR4 (0),
FibS1 (0),
FibS2 (0),
FibS3 (0),
FibS4 (0),
DayHiTL (0),
DayLoTL (0),
FibR1TL (0),
FibR2TL (0),
FibR3TL (0),
FibR4TL (0),
FibS1TL (0),
FibS2TL (0),
FibS3TL (0),
FibS4TL (0),
DayHi (-999999),
DayLo (+999999),
HaveTLs (false),
HaveLevels (false),
StartTime (0),
EndTime (0),
DayHiTxt (0),
DayLoTxt (0),
FibR1Txt (0),
FibR2Txt (0),
FibR3Txt (0),
FibR4Txt (0),
FibS1Txt (0),
FibS2Txt (0),
FibS3Txt (0),
FibS4Txt (0),
SessClose (0),
TextStyleHoriz (0), //0: To the right of the bar specified for the text object
//1: To the left of the bar specified for the text object
//2: Centered on the bar specified for the text object
TextStyleVert (1); //0: Beneath the price specified for the text object
//1: Above the price specified for the text object
//2: Centered on the specified price location of the text object
If (Time > StartCalcTime and Time[1] <= StartCalcTime) then
DayBegan = True;
If (DayBegan) then begin
If IgnoreWeekends then begin
If DayOfWeek(Date) >= Monday and DayOfWeek(Date) <= Friday then
Monday2Friday = true
Monday2Friday = false;
else begin
Monday2Friday = true;
If Monday2Friday then begin
If Date <> Date[1] then
HaveLevels = false;
HaveTLs = false;
If PlaceTextRight then
TextStyleVert = 1;
end; //If Date <> Date[1] then begin...
If Time > StartCalcTime and Time <= EndCalcTime then begin
If High >= DayHi then DayHi = High;
If Low <= DayLo then DayLo = Low;
end;//If Time > StartCalcTime and Time <= EndCalcTime then begin...
if Time > EndCalcTime and HaveLevels = false then
HaveLevels = true;
If HaveTLs = false then begin
HaveTLs = true;
FibR1 = DayLo + ((DayHi - DayLo) * 2.33);
FibR2 = DayLo + ((DayHi - DayLo) * 3.82);
FibR3 = DayLo + ((DayHi - DayLo) * 5);
FibR4 = DayLo + ((DayHi - DayLo) * 6.1);
FibS1 = DayHi - ((DayHi - DayLo) * 2.33);
FibS2 = DayHi - ((DayHi - DayLo) * 3.82);
FibS3 = DayHi - ((DayHi - DayLo) * 5);
FibS4 = DayHi - ((DayHi - DayLo) * 6.1);
DayHiTL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, DayHi, Date, TLEndTime, DayHi);
TL_SetColor(DayHiTL, DayHiColor);
TL_SetSize(DayHiTL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(DayHiTL, TLStyle);
DayLoTL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, DayLo, Date, TLEndTime, DayLo);
TL_SetColor(DayLoTL, DayLoColor);
TL_SetSize(DayLoTL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(DayLoTL, TLStyle);
FibR1TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime , FibR1, Date, TLEndTime, FibR1);
TL_SetColor(FibR1TL, FibR1Color);
TL_SetSize(FibR1TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibR1TL, TLStyle);
FibR2TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime , FibR2, Date, TLEndTime, FibR2);
TL_SetColor(FibR2TL, FibR2Color);
TL_SetSize(FibR2TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibR2TL, TLStyle);
FibR3TL = TL_New(Date, TlStartTime, FibR3, Date, TLEndTime, FibR3);
TL_SetColor(FibR3TL, FibR3Color);
TL_SetSize(FibR3TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibR3TL, TLStyle);
FibR4TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibR4, Date, TLEndTime, FibR4);
TL_SetColor(FibR4TL , FibR4Color);
TL_SetSize(FibR4TL , TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibR4TL , TLStyle);
FibS1TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS1, Date, TLEndTime, FibS1);
TL_SetColor(FibS1TL, FibS1Color);
TL_SetSize(FibS1TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibS1TL, TLStyle);
FibS2TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS2, Date, TLEndTime, FibS2);
TL_SetColor(FibS2TL, FibS2Color);
TL_SetSize(FibS2TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibS2TL, TLStyle);
FibS3TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS3, Date, TLEndTime, FibS3);
TL_SetColor(FibS3TL, FibS3Color);
TL_SetSize(FibS3TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibS3TL, TLStyle);
FibS4TL = TL_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS4, Date, TLEndTime, FibS4);
TL_SetColor(FibS4TL, FibS4Color);
TL_SetSize(FibS4TL, TLSize);
TL_SetStyle(FibS4TL, TLStyle);
DayHiTxt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, DayHi, "100%");
Text_SetStyle(DayHiTxt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(DayHiTxt, DayHiColor);
DayLoTxt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, DayLo, "0%");
Text_SetStyle(DayLoTxt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(DayLoTxt, DayLoColor);
FibR1Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibR1, "233%");
Text_SetStyle(FibR1Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibR1Txt, FibR1Color);
FibR2Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibR2, "382%");
Text_SetStyle(FibR2Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibR2Txt, FibR2Color);
FibR3Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibR3, "500%");
Text_SetStyle(FibR3Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibR3Txt, FibR3Color);
FibR4Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibR4, "610%");
Text_SetStyle(FibR4Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibR4Txt, FibR4Color);
FibS1Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS1, "233%");
Text_SetStyle(FibS1Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibS1Txt, FibS1Color);
FibS2Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS2, "382%");
Text_SetStyle(FibS2Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibS2Txt, FibS2Color);
FibS3Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS3, "500%");
Text_SetStyle(FibS3Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibS3Txt, FibS3Color);
FibS4Txt = Text_New(Date, TLStartTime, FibS4, "610%");
Text_SetStyle(FibS4Txt, TextStyleHoriz, TextStyleVert);
Text_SetColor(FibS4Txt, FibS4Color);
end //If HaveTLs = false then begin...
else begin
TL_SetEnd(DayHiTL, Date, TLEndTime, DayHi);
TL_SetEnd(DayLoTL, Date, TLEndTime, DayLo);
TL_SetEnd(FibR1TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibR1);
TL_SetEnd(FibR2TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibR2);
TL_SetEnd(FibR3TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibR3);
TL_SetEnd(FibR4TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibR4);
TL_SetEnd(FibS1TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibS1);
TL_SetEnd(FibS2TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibS2);
TL_SetEnd(FibS3TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibS3);
TL_SetEnd(FibS4TL, Date, TLEndTime, FibS4);
If PlaceTextRight then begin
Text_SetLocation(DayHiTxt, Date, TLEndTime, DayHi);
Text_SetLocation(DayLoTxt, Date, TLEndTime, DayLo);
Text_SetLocation(FibR1Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibR1);
Text_SetLocation(FibR2Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibR2);
Text_SetLocation(FibR3Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibR3);
Text_SetLocation(FibR4Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibR4);
Text_SetLocation(FibS1Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibS1);
Text_SetLocation(FibS2Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibS2);
Text_SetLocation(FibS3Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibS3);
Text_SetLocation(FibS4Txt, Date, TLEndTime, FibS4);
end; //If PlaceTextRight then begin...
end; //If HaveTLs then begin...
end; //If Monday2Friday then begin...
If (Time > TLEndTime and Time[1] <= TLEndTime) then begin
DayHi = -999999;
DayLo = 999999;
end; //If (Time > TLEndTime and Time[1] <= TLEndTime) then begin
end; // if DayBegan then