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Goes someone here had any success in connecting Ninja to IB Gateway ? Multicharts is fine with IB Gateway, but Ninja try to start a TWS, which is not what we want (IB Gateway is made to avoid launching the heavy TWS, when you don't need it).
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I havn't tried IB Gateway with Ninja, but I don't like the way NT tells you to use an old version of TWS.
The old version of TWS has bugs in it and dosn't work properly. I have other application that won't work at all with the old TWS (ie Trade Bullet).
Now when I email Ninja support to report more bugs in NT7 they tell me they can't support it as I use a new version of TWS (even though the same issues are present with my Gain connection).
I'm getting tired on fighting NT bugs, I think I'll look at other platforms.
But sorry I coudn't answer your question anyway I would be interested to know if it can be done also.
After last update of IB gateway to version 978.1 for NT8 happend every day on 16:45CET,10:45 New York time same thing.
(Lost or unable to establish communications with TWS/GW. Please verify TWS/GW is running on the target machine and try reconnecting or contact support (Panic). This happend every day before NT upgraded IB gatewy to version 978.1. before this was everything OK.I have contacted platform support they told me shoul reinstall thats all. Has someone the same problem when you connect NT8 to IB Gateway?
@Obelixtrader: same problem, just like you.
The Auto Logoff Timer from IB Gateway (set to 11:45 PM by default, and do an "Auto restart") is seen by NinjaTrader as a "not so clean" connection loss, so panic and no retry.
You should tell Ninja support that reinstalling everything do not help.
@NinjaTrader should be able to help here, as it's a behavior change which can cause bad surprises.
I will send now another email to ninjasupport
and see also 1 other message in NT log
2020-06-12 12:31:32:981|2|4|Received unknown error/warning: Sec-def data farm connection is broken:secdefnj