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EasyLanguage ADXVMA Indicator

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  #1 (permalink)
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Here is the ADXVMA function and indicator for EasyLanguage - TradeStation/MultiCharts. I am unsure of the original author, this is a conversion from NinjaTrader.

I've built it as a function so you can use it in signals easily. The attached .pla MultiCharts file is both the function and the indicator.

I know that some NT users like to set the rising and falling plots to transparent so they are left with "shelfs" for the neutral plot. I tried, but there is apparently no way to do this in EasyLanguage. I've emailed MultiCharts for help.


// Big Mike Trading

// April 17 2010
// Converted from NinjaTrader version, original author unknown
// Function

Price (NumericSeries),
Length (NumericSimple);


once ma=Price;    

Price>Price[1]) then pdm=Price-Price[1] else mdm=Price[1]-Price;//This array is not displayed.

pdm=((WeightDM-1)*pdm[1] + pdm)/WeightDM;//ema.
mdm=((WeightDM-1)*mdm[1] + mdm)/WeightDM;//ema.


if (
TR>0then begin    pdi=pdm/TRmdi=mdm/TRend
else begin

pdi=((WeightDI-1)*pdi[1] + pdi)/WeightDI;//ema.
mdi=((WeightDI-1)*mdi[1] + mdi)/WeightDI;//ema.
if (
DI_Diff<0then  DI_Diff= -DI_Diff;//Only positive momentum signals are used.

DI_Factor=0;//Zero case, DI_Diff will also be zero when DI_Sum is zero.

if (DI_Sum>0then out=DI_Diff/DI_Sum else out=0;

out=((WeightDX-1)*out[1] + out)/WeightDX;

if (
out>out[1]) then begin HHV=outLLV=out[1]; end 
else begin

1 to Length-1 begin    
if(out[j+1]>HHV)then HHV=out[j+1];
out[j+1]<LLVthen LLV=out[j+1];

diff HHV LLV;

if (
diff>0then  VI=(out-LLV)/diff;
ma=((ChandeEMA-VI)*ma[1]+VI*Price)/ChandeEMA;//Chande VMA formula with ema built in.


// Big Mike Trading
// April 17 2010
// Indicator

Price (close),
length (14);
av (0);
av ADXVMA(Pricelength);

Plot4(av"ADXVMA"iff(av av[1], GetPlotColor(3), iff(av av[1], GetPlotColor(1), GetPlotColor(2))));

Attached is the .pla for MultiCharts.


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  #3 (permalink)
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If you set Rising and Falling to your chart background color (ie: black), and change ADXVMA plot to Point instead of line, it works "fairly well" (not perfect).


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  #4 (permalink)
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You can probably use an input flag and if set to true only plot when av = av[1]. If set to false, plot everything.

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  #5 (permalink)
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thatguy View Post
You can probably use an input flag and if set to true only plot when av = av[1]. If set to false, plot everything.


I tried something similar to that, the problem is that unless you choose a Point plot, the lines from bar X will be connected to bar Y, even for just the neutral plot (av = av[1]). Using point/dot is not a show stopper, but it seems they really need a transparent method.

I'm going to leave it be because I don't really use this indicator, but you guys should improve it and share it back


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  #6 (permalink)
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Hey guys, I was playing with another indicator tonight and realized I had a real simple way to make ADXVMA plot just the 'support and resistance' lines that many of you like (as opposed to the falling/rising lines).

Here is the new EasyLanguage code. You might want to create a new Indicator name for this version, like "ADXVMA SR Only" for instance, to keep the original indicator intact:


Price (close),
length (14);
av (0),
lastav (0);
av ADXVMA(Pricelength);

av av[1then lastav av;
Here are some screen shots. You can see it just plots the last S/R line only.



Let me know if its useful.


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  #7 (permalink)
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Hi Mike,

I was trying to find out what exactly adxvma is, can't seem to google it, could you explain the calculation?


Big Mike View Post
Hey guys, I was playing with another indicator tonight and realized I had a real simple way to make ADXVMA plot just the 'support and resistance' lines that many of you like (as opposed to the falling/rising lines).

Here is the new EasyLanguage code. You might want to create a new Indicator name for this version, like "ADXVMA SR Only" for instance, to keep the original indicator intact:

Price (close),
length (14);
av (0),
lastav (0);
av ADXVMA(Pricelength);

av av[1then lastav av;
Here are some screen shots. You can see it just plots the last S/R line only.



Let me know if its useful.


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  #8 (permalink)
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syxforex View Post
Hi Mike,

I was trying to find out what exactly adxvma is, can't seem to google it, could you explain the calculation?


If you scroll up a few posts, Mike has posted the code in plain text.

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  #9 (permalink)
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I see that. I don't know what the vars represent, ie, pdi... etc. I was looking for a description in English if anybody has one?

thatguy View Post
If you scroll up a few posts, Mike has posted the code in plain text.

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  #10 (permalink)
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I believe in laymens terms it uses a VMA and ADX together to plot the MA. The MA is primarily based on the VMA of price but uses the ADX values to determine volatility, adjusting the VMA by the volatility.

As I am not the original author I can't say for sure, but that is what I see from glancing at the code.


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