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Highlight and copy all the code I supplied. Open ThinkorSwim and go to charts, then click studies-->edit studies. A window will pop up and select "new" in the bottom left corner. A new script window will pop up. Clear out the window of any text code in there and paste the code you copied. You can change the name at the top of the window if you like. Hit "ok" and the indicator is now available.
Keep me posted on how it works for you. If you need any others let me know. I may be able to code it or already may have it coded.
Not sure if this is the most appropriate place to ask this question, but stumbled on this thread and am hoping someone can help me create a ThinkorSwim script which will chart RSI with 2 (two) moving averages, rather than just one--a 9 period SMA (shown in green) and 45 period WMA (shown in red), atop the raw RSI (in black). Am happy to pay someone to help me with this if necessary. Many thanks.
Why can't I simply drag and drop the moving average on top of the RSI like it's done on other platform? Why do I even need to code for such a simple task?