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I have been trading for some two years with Metatrader, and I decided to move on to the Futures market.
Because I am tired of suspecting of brokers, crazy slippage, and the huge amount of mess we have to deal with in Forex.
So, now I am trying to rewrite my strategies from MQL5 and MQL4 into EasyLanguage.
But I still have very little experience with EasyLanguage.
I know the only way to get access to TradeStation Forum is by opening a TradeStation account.
But I am actually not interested in using TradeStation. I am looking more to MultiCharts or even OEC Trader (which is free of any charge).
Do you have any idea where I can find coding references, and maybe a Library of EasyLanguage Strategies?
I know one is available in TradeStation Forum.
I just want to know if I can also find good information outside of their "paid/private" forum.
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Thanks a lot for the link.
I did take a quick look on MultiCharts forum before.
But the information is not so easy to find. I really need to dig deep into the forum posts to find quality information.
I will be looking deeper and deeper, after your suggestion.
But if anyone has a link to an organized collection of indies and strategies, that would be just great.
you can google for ELD, ELA or ELS files for example and should find a lot of free repositories. Some of theses might not be useable with Multicharts, as Tradestation has added object oriented components to EasyLanguage. But the old stuff will work fine.
Tradestation has developed a MQL to Tradestation converter - I have never tried it, so I can't comment on how good it works. It might save you a lot of time, though. Which might justify considering Tradestation, besides the forum.
I have actually just tried searching on google with the filetype:ELD etc, and I get nothing.
On the other side I ha
d the idea to search on github, and I something (unhappily this forum doesnt allow me to post link, lol)
Whenever I will be able to do so, I will
I am going to verify the quality of the codes now.