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Label TL with Word text AND numeric level text

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  #1 (permalink)
Mound, MN
Posts: 3 since Feb 2016
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I can't believe I can't find this anywhere, and maybe I'm just not searching the right question. I want to label a horizontal line with the label "Gap High", and also have a label attached to it with the corresponding numeric value (vs having the numeric value only on the right axis.)

For example, I want to place a line at 203 that says "Gap High 203"

if I want it at 201, it will have a label of "Gap high 201", WITHOUT me having to change the easylanguage.

I can't believe TS doesn't offer the ability to label a horizontal drawing object with a word label (yes you can use a text box but it doesn't stay on the right side of the chart unless you make it an indicator, after which it is a text box on EVERY chart at that level)

anyways, this is the code I have for the trendline indicator I had to make to get the label on the horizontal line. I just want it to have the word label, but also add the numeric label. I've tried adding a second Lev1Txt, but it will only do one or the other as far as I can tell. I've also tried adding a Lev2Txt, but Lev2Txt input isn't in the language

This is what I have, any help would be great! I'm sure its an easy fix! THANKS SO MUCH

Input: Level1 (0);

Vars: Lev1Txt (0);

Plot1 [-5](Level1,"Lev1",magenta);

If text_exist (Lev1Txt) = False then
Lev1txt = Text_New (D,T, Level1, "Gap High");
Text_setstyle (Lev1Txt,1,1);
Text_SetColor(Lev1Txt, magenta);
Value2 = GetAppInfo(aiRightDispDateTime);
Value3 = ELDate(MonthFromDateTime(Value2),DayFromDateTime(Value2), YearFromDateTime(Value2));
Text_setLocation(Lev1Txt, Value3, HoursfromDateTime(Value2) * 100 + MinutesfromDateTime(Value2), Level1);

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I'm not a great programmer but I think you want something like this, it will add the number to the end of your text.

Lev1txt = Text_New (D,T, Leve11, "Gap High" + NumToStr(Leve11,2));

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  #4 (permalink)
Mound, MN
Posts: 3 since Feb 2016
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I've been trying to do that for months, guess I could've just asked on the forum...

Anyways, thanks again!

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Last Updated on June 25, 2016

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